1. Cub (Boy and Girl)

Kids aged 0-11
No restrictions on equipment

2. Youth (Boy and Girl)

Kids aged 12-17
No restrictions on equipment

3. Masters (Male only)

Males age 50+
No restrictions on equipment

4. Modern Bowhunter (Male and Female)

Sights: Fixed or adjustable pins, NO magnification

Bow: One front stabilizer and one back bar no longer than 13” (not including mounting hardware and brackets), Quivilizers are permitted.

Arrows: screw-in or glue-in points

5. Open (Male and Female)

No restrictions on sights, stabilizers, or style of release.

6. Open Professional (Male and Female)

No restrictions on sights, stabilizers, or style of release.

7. Masters Professional - (Male only)

Males age 50+
No restrictions on equipment

Rule Violations

Any person violating the above rules may be disqualified from the event. No changes will be permitted once the competition begins. No warnings are necessary before imposing a disqualification, suspension, or another discipline.